About Me

My name is Jenn and I’m on the hunt for adventure.

GOPRO—Jungfrau, Switzerland

In the past three years, I’ve been to more places and done more things than I ever could’ve imagined, but I never planned for any of it. In fact, I’ve made the decision to stop planning for anything anymore and live the life of most post-grads: lost.

Growing up on the Chesapeake bay, I spent many days sitting on a dock daydreaming about blazing through the backcountry in search of wildlife, canyoneering among waterfalls, diving into ancient, sunken ships…all the while trying to focus on what I was actually going to do with my life. School was school, but its solutions to the real world were always too mainstream. Jobs are often hard to come by, and not without experience. Or contacts. Or a higher education.
$$$$$$$ (Am I right??)

Life was happening, and I had little idea of how I’d fit in it. So right after getting my BA in writing in 2014, I said screw it to the job search and used the summer months to travel around to different states and countries, hoping to find my mojo somewhere in the gallivant. That search led me to a sudden and very unexpected job with a major airline, and in the following year I was skydiving over whales in Hawaii, rappelling down a 200 foot cliff in Puerto Rico, enjoying escargot in Paris (yes, delicious), and running with coyotes in the deserts of Arizona. My wanderlust was only just tapped in to, however, and soon I felt the urge to see more of each place, not just more places. Quality over quantity, I suppose.

Exactly one year after accepting the airline job, I applied and was chosen to intern with Trail Runner Magazine in Colorado, and my life once again changed suddenly and unexpectedly. In December of 2015 I took a leap of faith and quit my job, flew out to the small town of Carbondale, Colorado, found a beautiful log cabin on a creek with three amazing roommates, and somehow landed a kickass job with Aspen Skiing Company. With some rushed farewells, a jam-packed jeep, and the acceptance of feeling absolutely unprepared, I was making the 2,000 mile trek just five days later to my new home.

It’s been over a year since that move, and already the compass leading me on my path is broken. A.K.A, things are constantly changing, and I still have no idea where I’m going. But that’s quite alright, because like I said—no more planning, no more worries.

I began crafting this blog for travel tips, adventures and inspiration to get you out of your comfort zone and live life spontaneously with me. There’s so much more out there than what you’ve been told, it’s all about embracing chance, seeking new places and craving the unknown.

Currently back exploring and whitewater rafting in Colorado after spending the winter in Alaska. Where to next? I have no idea, but I’ll keep escaping the conventional to stay astray.



Check out my blog and come get lost with me!



add another page.

5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. 💙❤️ the blog! You go girl!! You’re amazing and an inspiration, your zest for life is contagious. 😀. Xo


    1. I can’t thank you enough Carlita for your constant support and encouragement! 🙂 Can’t wait for you to come visit!


  2. Jenn…Yowzah is all I can say!!!! Watching you grow up before my eyes as a young girl, and now into a beautiful adventurous young woman just blows me away…Your journey causes me to seek the adventures in my own heart and totally make me SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So I was super intrigued by your story you shared with me on the van yesterday before our raft trip so I totally stalked you trying to find your blog and I found it! Haha! Enjoyed reading some of your stories. I think what you’re doing is awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

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